all, every, everything, entirety, universe; (number) one hundred
see also
semantic space · lipamanka
ale is everything. this can be either everything ever or a smaller subset of everything. If you modify ale with another word, it is limited to objects that have that word's quality, such as "ale loje" for "all things red," "ale lipu" for "all things related to books," or "ale pali" for "all things related to working." this is often similar to the reverse, but not exactly the same. for example, "loje ale" is all reds, not all things red, "lipu ale" is all books, and would not talk about a printing press or reading glasses, and "pali ale" would be something like all jobs or activities, and wouldn't talk about a hammer or a cheesecloth.
pu verbatim
- ADJECTIVE all; abundant, countless, bountiful, every, plentiful
- NOUN abundance, everything, life, universe
- NUMBER 100
ku translations
every80 everything77 all68 entire64 universal60 completely58 total53 entirely50 universe50 altogether44 comprehensive42 full36 totally35 each33 fully32 any30 thoroughly30 absolute29 countless27 general27 complete26 whole25 hundred21
core · 93% usage
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coined pre-pu
הולנדית · alle ‘הכל’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
"ali" היא חלופה ל"ale" שנטבעה בסקר ב2002 כדי להימנע מבלבול עם "ala". אבל, השימוש ב"ale" לעומת "ali" נשאר משמעותית יותר נפוץ.
רוב הדוברים מדווחים שאינם מבינים את המשמעות "נפוץ, שופע", לפחות מחוץ להקשר.
"20, 120" היו משמעויות שאינן בpu, שהיו בשימוש בקהילה לצד 100; הן כמעט ולא קיימות היום.
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