This word is obscure, so most speakers will not understand it.
skyld, skam, undgå, stigma, skændsel; at anklage, at udpege, at afsløre, at vanære, at bringe i forlegenhed
see also
ku translations
shame40, embarrassed27, guilt17
obscure · 23% usage
found in ku lili
coined pre-pu · 2009
Finnish · häpeä ‘shame, disgrace, dishonor’
coined by jan Sonja
- to single out - expose ; to reveale the guilt or wrongdoing of - to attack non-physically (verbally attack) - to expose to shame blame to fault accuse to cause to feel shame to dishonour, disgrace a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of having done something dishonourable, unworthy, degrading, etc.
According to jan Sonja, "apeja" never appeared in any pre-pu toki pona dictionary made by her and never promoted by her, instead it may have been "just an experimental idea in a forum post".
sitelen pona
apejasitelen Emosi