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aspect négatif, par ex. mauvais, désagréable, nuisible, superflu

semantic space · lipamanka

ike is any negative quality. Anything can be ike. ike is a judgement call. what one person considers ike can be pona to another. For example, the complexity of computer coding is not a good thing for me, so I'd call it ike. But for a lot of my friends, that same complexity is pona! the simple melody of "mary had a little lamb" is boring to many people on its own, so they might call it ike. But a baby might enjoy it a lot, so despite being overly simple for adults in an anglophone culture, it's just right for that baby, i.e. pona. If something isn't bad, you can't use ike to describe it without framing it as such. ike can mean complex and simple just as easily as pona can.

pu verbatim

  • ADJECTIF mauvais, négatif ; superflu, non pertinent

ku translations

bad100 harsh82 badly81 mean (adj)77 evil75 negative73 problem70 horrible67 terrible61 unfortunate60 poorly59 offensive57 awful55 trouble53 tragic50 cruel46 wrong43 complexity42 inappropriate42 issue42 awkward40 unfair40 complicated39 vice36 hostile33 difficulty31 nasty31 corrupt30 corruption30 challenging29 complex29 cursed29 danger29 hard (difficult)29 harm29 chaos27 difficult27 toxic27 disorder26


core · 100% usage

found in pu

coined pre-pu


Finnois · ilkeä ‘bad, mean, wicked’

coined by jan Sonja


kala Asi

jan Lakuse

sitelen pona


pictogram of a frowning mouth. compare pona

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luka pona

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