בן אדם, איש, מישהו
semantic space · lipamanka
usage of jan differs a lot between groups of speakers, but many speakers use it broadly to refer to any sentient creature. But this can break down when you consider what sentience is and where we draw lines between ourselves and nature. This also gets complicated when we take into account nonhuman identities such as radical reclamation of dehumanization, which is awesome. many toki pona speakers specifically choose to not be a type of jan, so jan broadly cannot be applicable to all speakers of language. It's still used frequently to refer to a group of people, some of whom may not be humans, and especially "somebody," i.e. a hypothetical unspecified agent. If someone is not a jan, it's often rude to call them one--just stick with whatever word they've chosen for themselves.
pu verbatim
- NOUN human being, person, somebody
ku translations
person100 human93 people82 anybody62 dude61 anyone56 character50 somebody50 guy43 being42 individual31 citizen30 civilian30 whoever30 participant29 Hominidae27 personal27
core · 100% usage
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קנטונזית · 人 jan ‘איש’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
ישנם שני צדדים למושג, "ישות בעלת תבונה" ו"הומו ספיינס", שמשנה בשביל השאלה האם להשתמש במילה במקרי קצה (חייזרים, בני אדם שהפכו לאנשי-זאב, וכו'). איזו משמעות יותר מרכזית למילה נשאר שנוי במחלוקת.
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janשורש ראש; אייקון של אדם הכולל את הכתפיים
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