vydávat zvuk; zvuk, např. zpěv, hřmění, buben, potlesk, smích, pípání
semantic space · lipamanka
The semantic space of kalama contains all noises and sounds and any act of creating a noise or sound. Any sound from any source can be a kalama. Music is a kalama. A scream is kalama. The sound that a tree makes when it falls in the forest is a kalama. A sound doesn't have to travel through air to be a kalama: whale noises are kalama, and a heartbeat through a stethoscope is kalama. kalama could be an absolute pitch, or multiple. It could be sound designed to sound a certain way, or chaotic noise.
From jan Olipija on how kalama's semantic space extends to vibrations with her perspective as a member of the Deaf/hard of hearing community:
"seeing as sound is vibration and one often causes the other, many [deaf/hard of hearing] can perceive via vibrations what hearing people would perceive as sound. e.g. stamping on the floor, thumpy thumpy dance music or hammering from the downstairs flat renovating their bathroom waking you up at 8am. thus vibrations could be considered a form of kalama, especially to [deaf/hard of hearing] people.
instead or in addition to kute, this form of kalama would pair with the verb pilin. e.g. 'mi pilin lon noka mi e kalama ilo tan supa anpa.'"
ku translations
sound100, noise79, tone50, bang27
pu verbatim
VERB to produce a sound; recite, utter aloud
core · 100% usage
found in pu
coined pre-pu
Srbochorvatština · галама galama ‘zvuk (lidského hlasu)’
coined by jan Sonja
sitelen pona
kalamaemission modifier + “mouth”
sitelen sitelen
sitelen jelo
sitelen Emosi