air, breath; essence, spirit; hidden reality, unseen agent
semantic space · lipamanka
kon covers a very wide range of ideas that are loosely related to each other through the concept of being known, but not seen. You'll often hear people use the phrase "unseen agent" to describe kon. I've divided this semantic space into three parts: spirits, meaning, and gas. toki pona connects these concepts by giving them all the same word.
If you'll indulge my spiritual worldview for a bit, a spirit could be some sort of supernatural being that we don't normally see. There are countless traditions around the globe that interpret divinity through unseen agents. For example, in christianity, the concept of the holy ghost could very easily be a type of kon. Dybbukim in Jewish folklore can easily be kon because they're not things people commonly see. If a spirit shows itself and becomes seen, using kon still works great to communicate that it frequently is an unseen agent. The idea of a spirit can be extended to the part of humans or beings, depending on how a speaker considers the idea of a soul. Some people think that everything has a soul, while others think that only humans have souls. kon works very well for all of these souls, framing them as the unseen part of things. In fact, a minority of speakers goes as far to call aspects of identity like gender types of kon. The broad idea behind this category is that kon can be used for, specifically, an unseen entity.
"Meaning" is a broad category. The most common usage of kon for meaning is semantic meaning, i.e. the meaning of words in language. Every semantic space entry in this dictionary could be described as an instance of "kon." If a speaker didn't know what another speaker meant even though they heard all the words, they could say that they didn't understand the "kon." Less often you'll see kon used for more abstract ideas of meaning, such as the meaning of a piece of art. This category is about unseen ideas or parts of thought.
Finally, gas. air is a very prototypical example of kon, but air is composed of a very specific set of gaseous matter. Even if a gas is visible, like steam or smoke, it's still squarely part of kon's semantic space. The entirety of Jupiter can be kon. Clouds can be kon. Hell, the sun can even be kon if you're looking at what composes it and framing it from that perspective instead of framing it as a producer of light.
pu verbatim
- NOUN air, breath; essence, spirit, hidden reality, unseen agent
ku translations
air100 soul100 spirit86 gas83 essence65 atmosphere64 breathe60 oxygen60 breath57 meaning55 intangible53 breathing45 invisible entity45 definition34 abstract33 breeze33 smell29
core · 99% usage
found in pu
coined pre-pu
Mandarin · 空氣 kōngqì ‘air, atmosphere, ambience, opinion’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
sitelen pona
konideogram; wavy lines to indicate the fluidity of gas. compare telo
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