present, existing, real, true; (preposition) located at, in, during, in the context of
see also
semantic space · lipamanka
For many people, lon is core to the philosophy of toki pona. It's a key example that ties together the physical and metaphysical. lon is existence, lon is truth, lon is reality. lon is not only existing at a place, but also existing during a time, or in a context. lon's usage outside of a preposition mostly derives from this meaning of existing.
pu verbatim
- PREPOSITION located at, present at, real, true, existing
ku translations
at100 exist100 existing100 real100 located93 presence89 existence87 yep87 actual86 on83 true81 living73 yes71 truth67 reality64 physical62 yeah62 genuine60 truly60 upon60 in57 alive56 position55 accurate52 exactly50 occupy50 live47 attendance46 certainly45 attend42 indeed42 right (not wrong)41 definitely40 life40 honestly36 legitimate36 onto36 location35 correct33 correctly33 validity33 occur31 certain30 physically30 precisely30 status30 placement29 amid27 availability27 fact27 mm-hmm27 sure27 frankly25 of course25 regarding25
core · 100% usage
found in pu
coined pre-pu
טוק פיסין · long ‘אצל, ב, על, (מילת מיקום)’
אנגלית · along ‘ביחד’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
sitelen pona
lonשורש מיקום מעל קו. להשוואה blissymbol "over"
sitelen sitelen
sitelen jelo
sitelen Emosi