eat, drink, consume, swallow, ingest; food, edible thing
semantic space · lipamanka
moku is the act of eating. It is also used to refer to anything eaten. even if it's not edible, you can use moku to describe it! doing so implies that it is in some context eaten, though, so be careful. There's a quote from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). "Everything here is edible; even I'm edible. But that, dear children, is cannibalism, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies." Use this ancient wisdom from two decades ago to guide your moku usage. Evoking cannibalism is not always the desired effect!
People will occasionally extend moku by metaphor. moku is at its base a physical word describing a physical act, so these metaphors are secondary, but I've seen moku for "overcome" in some contexts. Like "toki Epelanto li moku e toki Potuke mi" could be a fun way to phrase "Ever since I've started learning Esperanto, my Portuguese proficiency has been on the decline." This is pretty similar to weka, but keep in mind that most instances of moku are simply another angle from some instance of weka. When you eat something, it doesn't exist anymore, at least not in its original form or environment. You're removing it. Reframing a type of weka as a type of moku will frame the act from the perspective of ingesting nutrition and may draw attention away from the removal of that thing.
pu verbatim
- VERB to eat, drink, consume, swallow, ingest
ku translations
eat100 eating100 food100 consume97 dining88 consumption83 meal83 swallow68 dinner50 nutrition50 drinking47 chew44 groceries43 absorb35 drink27 lunch26
core · 100% usage
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coined pre-pu
Japanese · モグモグ mogumogu ‘munching’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
sitelen pona
mokuhand modifier + “mouth”
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