spice, ornament, adornment; extra, additional
see also
semantic space · lipamanka
namako is something extra added at the end. Often while a namako isn't necessary, it's usually a welcome addition, sometimes even desirable. Spices are perfect examples of a prototypical namako. Spices are never the substance of a dish, but they frequently contain a majority of the flavor. namako is noticable, like a fancy hat or flair.
pu verbatim
- ADJECTIVE new, fresh; additional, another, extra
ku translations
spice82 extra65 additional50 adornment50 extension38 bonus37 salt32 fancy31 special27
common · 72% usage
found in ku suli
coined pre-pu · 2009
multiple possibilities
Hindi · नमक namak ‘salt’
Persian · نمک namak ‘salt’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
In common usage (both before and after pu), "sin" and "namako" are separate words, each with their own meaning. In pu, they are considered synonyms. Those who consider them synonyms typically don't use "namako" at all, preferring "sin" in all circumstances.
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