method, doctrine, tradition; path, road, way
semantic space · lipamanka
nasin ties together method and path. Physically, a nasin is a path or direction one follows, a road you can drive along, any way to reach a location, or perhaps even to wander. metaphysically, nasin refers to a way to live your life, a way to make something, or any other method. just as easily as main street can be a nasin, so can communism or the pomodoro technique or setting an alarm or islam. It doesn't need a specific destination, but there's usually some purpose to it.
pu verbatim
- NOUN way, custom, doctrine, method, path, road
ku translations
road100 way100 doctrine92 method91 path83 avenue80 manner80 route75 direction73 street71 orientation70 trail70 mode69 technique67 layout56 system56 course55 passage54 process54 track53 format52 ideology50 tactic48 custom45 aisle44 journey44 lane43 norm40 guideline39 style39 regular38 procedure35 order33 plan33 protocol33 channel32 routine31 strategy30 pattern28 theme27 angle25 composition25 policy25 tendency25
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סרבו-קרואטית · начин način ‘דרך, שיטה’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
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nasinאידאוגרמה המורכבת מחץ לאורך קו אנכי
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