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experience e.g. emotion, feeling, touch; heart (physical or emotional)

semantic space · lipamanka

pilin is some sort of sensory qualia. pilin can refer just as easily to internal senses as it can to external ones, so pilin can mean both touch and emote. most speakers use pilin to mean "opinion" as well, framing an opinion as some sort of internal sensory experience.

pu verbatim

  • NOUN heart (physical or emotional)
  • ADJECTIVE feeling (an emotion, a direct experience)

ku translations

emotion100 feeling100 feel92 sentiment83 mood80 emotionally76 heart70 sense69 attitude64 emotional62 notion55 opinion55 assume50 hypothesis50 impression50 perceive50 deem47 assumption40 believe40 thinking40 thought39 speculation38 conscience36 suppose36 experience35 stimulus33 reaction30 suspicion30 belief29 idea27 perception27 touch27 consider25 estimated25 outlook25 mentally24 think24


core · 100% usage

found in pu

coined pre-pu


טוק פיסין · pilim ‘להרגיש’

אנגלית · -im ‘הוא’

אנגלית · him ‘הוא’

coined by jan Sonja


kala Asi

jan Lakuse

sitelen pona


מסמל הלב (♡). להשוואה blissymbol "feeling"

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luka pona

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