This word is obscure, so most speakers will not understand it.
obscure · 8% usage
found in ku lili
coined pre-pu · 2009
الصربية الكرواتية · čudnovati kljunaš ‘platypus, (literally) strange beak’
coined by Alexandre Baudry
Dear Sonja, That's a great idea, but if you do so, you need also to add a special word forthe Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). I would suggest the word "sutopatikuna"from the croatian word Èudnovati kljuna¹. Bonega ideo, sed se vi farus tion, vi devus ankaux aldoni apartan vorton porla Ornitorinko (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). Mi proponus la vorton "sutopatikuna"prenita de la kroatan vorton Èudnovati kljuna¹.:P
Coined by Alexandre Baudry in 2009 in response to jan Sonja coining "kijetesantakalu" as part of 2009's April Fools.
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