dulce, fragante; tierno, inocente, adorable
see also
semantic space · lipamanka
suwi describes pleasant aspects of senses. If something is pleasant to the mouth, i.e. it is sweet, that is suwi. If something is pleasant to the eye, i.e. cute, that is suwi as well. The scent of apples might be suwi as well. A soft or fuzzy texture can be suwi. A pleasant sound can be described as suwi. suwi can also describe other pleasant things, such as actions or people. Like if someone bakes you a pie, not only is the pie usually suwi, but so is the act of making it. Note that suwi isn't used for savory pleasant flavors much, usually just sweet ones.
pu verbatim
- ADJECTIVE sweet, fragrant; cute, innocent, adorable
ku translations
sweet100 cute92 candy65 sugar58 gentle33 dessert32 tender31 soft27 darling26 treat25
core · 100% usage
found in pu
coined pre-pu
tok pisin · swit ‘sweet’
inglés · sweet
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
sitelen pona
suwiperhaps a pictogram of a smiling face
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