sed, tamen; nur
semantic space · lipamanka
taso doesn't actually change the semantic space of a word it modifies. instead, it trims away the possibility of other things filling the role of that object in a sentence. taso says that only the word it modifies does whatever it does. it's almost the inverse of ala in that instead of canceling out the semantic space of everything before it that it modifies, it cancels out everything else. taso is also used as a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence, meaning something similar to "but" in english.
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but100 only100 however82 solely82 although80 exclusively80 though79 just71 exclusive70 despite69 nonetheless67 mere64 merely58 except53 nevertheless50 sole50 yet50 whereas45 regardless33 exception27
core · 100% usage
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Tok Pisin · tasol ‘just, only, but, however’
angla · that’s all
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
Multaj spertaj parolantoj uzas taso por konekti du frazojn (X taso Y), simile al "X, sed Y", kvankam aliaj ne uzas tiun metodon.
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tasofrom blissymbol “but”
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