trade, barter, exchange, swap, buy, sell; market, shop, fair, bazaar, place of business
see also
semantic space · lipamanka
esun is a type of exchange. Usually it's used to mean "buy," "sell," or "trade." The use of a currency isn't required for something to be esun. Trading baseball cards is esun. esun doesn't imply that both parties lose something. Exchanging knowledge is esun, even though neither party loses knowledge. Some interesting extensions of esun I've seen include using esun for breathing, where one trades the air inside them with the outside world. Seeing esun as a swap more than as a type of buying has had it being used far more often these days in my experience, potentially due to anticapitalist values, and potentially because of natural semantic shift. Some people like this usage because it makes esun more useful. It's far from universal though, and many speakers only use esun ot mean something like "trade" where two participatory parties exchange items.
According to Sonja, the Akan concept of "esun" was described to her in a taxi once a while ago. I do know a friend of a friend who is an Akan speaker, so I will see if he has any insight and replace this with that insight.
pu verbatim
- NOUN market, shop, fair, bazaar, business transaction
ku translations
trading91 shopping88 trade88 deal75 commerce69 purchase67 sales67 buy65 transaction64 market62 sale60 exchange58 sell57 retail56 business48 shop46 commercial36 store36 financial29 enterprise27 economy25 franchise25
core · 99% usage
found in pu
coined pre-pu · 2009
Akan · edwamu ‘at market’
coined by jan Sonja
kala Asi
jan Lakuse
According to jan Sonja, "esun was told [to her] by a taxi driver who spoke a language from the Akan family in West Africa".
sitelen pona
esunnot from a currency symbol (sonja confirmed; said “i think that one is from Mikmaq” but couldn't find a mikmaq symbol similar to it).
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