
This word is in the sandbox, so almost no speakers will understand it.


pattern, order, sequence, series, rhythm; arrangement, organization, decluttering; weaving, knitting

see also

nasin, linluwi, kulupu, sama


sandbox · unknown usage

found in no book

coined post-ku · 2024


a priori

coined by kolisin

author verbatim

I have a few nimisin that I’ve been cooking on for the past month, so I’ll share a few over some time. this one is my best one so far in my opinion

:nimisin: ***kepa*** - etymology is a priori. pattern, order, series, sequence, to arrange, to organize. this overlaps with the semantic spaces of nasin and sike a bit. this word also can be used as an antonym of sorts to jaki and nasa. kepa as a content word is mostly useful when combined with other words. some examples would be "tenpo kepa" (rhythm), "kepa pi kasi kule" (bouquet/flower arrangement), "kepa pakala" (disarray, chaos). I also like to experiment with using it as a preposition that means something along the lines of "and then". some examples include "mi moku e kili li kepa tawa" (I ate fruit and then I walked), "mi en kepa sina li sitelen e nimi mi" (I will write my name and then you will write your name [nimi mi being used as "our names"]), and "jan lili li luka e soweli e kepa waso" (The child pet the animals and then the birds)


Semantically, "kepa" describes a group or the state of a group rather than the state of one thing in a group.

sitelen pona


pictogram of bamboo leaf segments