strange, unusual, silly, abnormal, unexpected; drunk, intoxicated
semantic space · lipamanka
The semantic space of nasa contains deviations from what's considered normal. If most people have blue hair and one person has green hair, that one person is nasa. If someone grows ten types of herbs and a single carnivorous plant, then that carnivorous plant is nasa. If most people don't grow herbs, someone who does grow herbs is nasa. What's considered "normal" here is completely reliant on context. A clown isn't nasa if everyone around them is also a clown. Nothing is inherently nasa. The nasa-ness of all objects will change along with context.
ku translations
weird100, strange88, unusual88, odd83, drunk64, silly58, wild50, ridiculous36, psychoactive31, confuse27, nonsense27, suspicious25
pu verbatim
ADJECTIVE unusual, strange; foolish, crazy; drunk, intoxicated
core · 100% usage
found in pu
coined pre-pu
Tok Pisin · nasau ‘dunderhead’
coined by jan Sonja
sitelen pona
nasaperhaps spiral representing “dizziness”, as can be commonly seen in Japanese manga and anime
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